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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Minimeet , + Help needed

Hi all!!!  ^-^

 What a nice day we have, sun is shining, the sky is all clear, perfect for staying inside and play games or work like I do XD. So I have a few important dates to set . First of all a mini meet will be held on sunday jul 29, from 5pm at B&B and from there maybe we'll go to Le & Le games. Join us if you are free. No fee, but you have to pay for the game if we decide to go, and if anyone would like to donate to the club that's accepted.
 Important event coming soon :

august 4 - World wide weekend, promenada mall, a nice little event where you can get to know some awesome cultures and countries, also learn dances and everything . Next weeks meeting will be replaced with this event organized by AIESEC and School of values , and since I'm taking part in the organizing I won't have enough time for a meeting to .
August 5  - game day - Join us for a few rounds of Werewolfs of millers hollow , from 4 pm , in the city fortress (cetate ) if it's a good weather, in Le& Le games if it rains 
August 22 - Anivar & C.A.T special meeting , we'll have some visitors from other cities , so we can create new bonds and friendships , also learn from each other. other details soon
August  12 & august 19- meet nr.22 and meet nr. 23
End of september - Yoshicon , anime con held at Oradea, we will participate at the event as visitors , and I will be a Staff member at the Karaoke room , details coming soon
October 13-14 - Mondocon , Budapest,  huge 2 days long anime con, we are also planning to go .

      Updated pages : staff team & contact , Anime Events check them out! :D                                                                            
                                                                                      Have a nice day, and stay active!

Help needed!!!

I need help with two things :

1. For the blog, I need someone to write reviews for the meetings , because as you can see I kinda got behind on that part ... So there can even be 2 persons and divide the work , but volunteers needed !!!

2. For Karaoke Freak country - this is the karaoke team I'm in and we will be on guard in the karaoke room at  Yoshicon , I have a lot of new karaokes to make and need an assistant to download pictures for me, so I can save some time on this project, all you have to do is to find nice pictures from the anime I'm working on and send them to me. You'll get a free ticket to the con if you help me , so it's worth it! :D

Friday, July 20, 2012

Picnic time! :D Meet 21

Hi all! ^-^

    I was really happy that you guys liked the last meeting and the cake I made :3, this weekend we will have a picnic type meeting !!! What is a picnic type meeting? Well it's  a bit different from usual meets, first of all it's held outside, on blankets or tables ( depending on the location ) and all of you have to bring something, snacks , drinks, anything you want :D , of course we'll have fun games for you guys to keep up the spirits. Since it's a picnic we won't have like a lot of official stuff to talk about, it's all about the fun!  You can also bring volley bal, badminton , tenis , or whatever you wish, we'll have a flexible schedule.
     Picnic will be held in the city fortress ( Cetate ) on sunday 22.07.2012 from 4pm to 10 pm :D. For those who don't want to bring any food or drinks , the entrance fee is 5 ron for others 1 ron (we need to save money for august 22 when we'll have visitors from oradea sry >.< ) Oh and don't forget to bring something to sit on  . Hope to see you there!!!! :D


(I'm tooo lazy to write this down in Hungarian and Romanian so I wrote it only in English :3 )

Thursday, July 12, 2012

We're back to bussiness! Meet nr. 20! :D

Hi Guys ! ^-^

       Deci in sfarsit am terminat cu toate testarile  de la scoala / colegiu, si putem sa ne relaxam un pic, sa ne bucuram de vara asta , un pic cam calda, dar frumoasa si plina de oportunitati. Asa ca cum v-am promis o sa incepem cu meeturile din nou, si prima va fii DUMINICA de la ora 18:00 in cetate. O sa ne intalnim la parcul Delma la 17:45 si intram impreuna. Prognoza meteo pentru duminica da 30% sanse de ploaie, dar in cele mai multe locuri scrie ca o sa fie cer senin si in jur de 32 grade Celsius, deci sa speram ca nu luam un dus rece decat cand ajungem acasa . La ce sa va asteptatii ? Fiindca o sa fim afara o sa avem o multime de activitati, jocuri amuzante si energizante, ca sa ne readuca zambetul pe buze si sa ne reincarcam bateriile :D. O sa aducem si magazine si manga pentru cei care vor sa citesca, o sa avem muzica si desigur cateva surprize pregatite special pt voi. Va recomand sa va aduceti cate o paturica sau cv pe care sa stati, chiar in grupuri daca doriti .  Daca aveti intrebari stiti unde ma gasiti ^-^ . See you there!
taxa de intrare : 2 ron
<---- You can vote here, for what activities do you want for sunday !!!

      Szoval vegre lejartak a kulonbozo tesztelesek suliba/egyetemen ugyhogy vegre kicsit pihenhetunk, elvezhessuk mi is a nyarat kicsit, meg ha ici cipit tul meleg is, csodalatos es teli lehetosegekkel. Ahogyan igertem ujra lesznek talakozok, az elso most VASARNAP lesz 18:00 oratol a varba. Talalkozunk kint a Delma parknal 17:45- kor es egyutt megyunk majd be. Az idojaras jelentes 30%os eso lehetoseget irt, de legtobb helyen tiszta egboltot es 32 Celsiusz fokot igernek, ugyhogy bizzunk ebbe, es hogy nem kerul sor hideg zuhanyra amig haza nem erunk . Mire szamitsatok? Mivel kint lesz sok sok aktivitas es jatek lesz majd amelyek igazan erdekesek lesznek es felviszik majd az energia szintetek, celjuk, hogy ujra mosolyt csaljnak az arcotokra es feltoltsek a kimerult akukat :D . Hozunk majd magazinokat es mangat azoknak akik szeretnenek majd olvasni, lesz zene na meg persze nehany kulonleges meglepetes nektek.Ajanlom, hogy hozzatok egy pokrocot vagy valamit amire uljetek ,akar csoportokba is .  Ha kerdesetek van tudjatok hol talaltok meg ^-^ . See you there!
Belepo : 2 ron


Updated Pages : Cosplay & Weekly Favorite ^-^ Check them out!!!

Kozlemeny az Anivartol/Anunt de la clubul Anivar :

Anivár a Félszigeten!
Örömmel jelentjük, hogy az NMD Anime/manga szakosztálya, az Anivár idén hivatalosan is részt vesz a Félsziget Fesztiválon! No, nem kell megijjedni, nem csak animéseket várunk, sőt! Az Anivár a Félsziget Civil Parkjában kapott helyet, így a már hagyományos programok mellett (portrékészítés, kártyajátékok oktatása, activity) számos újdonsággal talkozhattok az Anivár részéről: flash-mob, chain-reaction, arcfestés, kalligráfia, képregény sarok és kerekasztal beszélgetések. És a listának nincs vége! A manga könyvtárunk is velünk utazik, Marosvásárhelyre, így aztán nyugodtan lehet majd otakulni odakinn is! Sok szeretettel várunk minden érdeklődőt a Félszigeten is augusztus 23-26 között a Félsziget Parkban!
További Anivár hírek (mert ilyen is van)
Idén ősszel második alkalommal szervezzük meg a YoshiCon-t, mely egy egész napos anime-manga fesztivál, másnéven animecon. A 2010-ben szervezett fergeteges hangulatnak köszönhetően, idén sem adjuk alább és a legizgalmasabb programokkal várunk titeket! Részletek hamarosan a weboldalon!

Anivar la peninsula! 
Va anuntam cu multa bucurie ca departamentul de anime/maga de la organizatie NMD, Anivar anul acesta va participa oficial la festivalul Peninsula! Nu trebuie sa va speriati ca asteptam doar fani anime! Anivar va fii prezent in Parcul civil de la Peninsula, asa ca langa programele obisnuite (desen de tip portret, prezentare de jocuri cu carti, activity) puteti sa faceti cunostinta cu multe noutati de la Anivar: flash-mob, chain-reaction, pictat pe fata, caligrafie, colti de benzi desenate si discutii la masa rotunda. Si lista inca continua! Si biblioteca manga va lua trenul cu noi la Targu-Mures , asa ca puteti sa va Otakuiti si afara! Va asteptam cu drag pe toti care vor sa ne viziteze la Peninsula, august 23-26. 
 Stiri Anivar (pentru ca avem si din acestea ) 
Toamna aceasta va avea loc pentru a doua oara YoshiCon, care este un festival anime-manga de o zi, cunoscut si ca animecon. Datorita atmosferei extraordinare din 2010 , si anul acesta ne vom stradui sa tinem pasul si va asteptam cu programe deosebit de excitante. Detalii in curand pe site-ul : !