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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lolita tea party

Hi all!

 M-am gandit sa facem ceva mai diferit de data aceasta asa ca incepem cu programe la un nivel mai avansat si mai interesant :D . Asa ca vom tine un Tea party :D Lolita style :
-aici gasiti informatii.. Mai am de adaugat ca o sa avem si activitati si de acum o sa avem meetinguri mai tematice, acum o sa fie vorba despre animeuri cu o picatura de mister,atmosfera gotica ,si haine lolita :D . O sa vizionam parti din doua animeuri: Gosick , Rosen maiden despre care vom vorbi dupa.

Cand: 28 ianuarie de la ora 4 pm
Unde: Colegiul Reformat/Liceul  Bolyai     
Ce? : Lolita tea party :D
Intrare?: 3 ron 
Lucruri de care o sa aveti nevoie : cana preferata si costumatie corespunzatoare                                                                                          

                                                                                                              Sper sa ne vedem atunci :D !
PS: ceaiul se va raci daca intarzii

Hi all!

Gondoltam ideje valami kulonlegesebbet kiprobalni es egy magasabb szintu programot szervezni meetre.Ugyhogy egy Lolita Tea party-t rendezunk itt talaltok infokat rolla: . Amit meg hozza kell tenni, hogy lesznek aktivitasok is , es mostantol tematikusabb meetek lesznek , ez alkalommal olyan animekrol lesz szo amelyben van egy csipetnyi rejtely , a hangulat gotikus es lolita ruhak jelennek meg :D . Nehany reszt nezunk majd meg a kovetkezo animekbol: Gosick , Rosen mainden , amelyekrol kesobb beszelni is fogunk .

Mikor?: 28 ianuar 4 oratol
Hol?: Reformatus kollegium a..k.a Refi / Bolyai epulete

Mi?: Lolita tea party
Belepo? : 3 ron
Mire lesz szukseged ? : kedvenc kannad/ teas poharad es megfelelo oltozet
                                                                                             Remelem talalkozunk majd ott !

Ps: a tea kihul ha kesel


Friday, January 6, 2012


Hi all

Maine de la 5 vom tine un mini meet, la cafeneaua B&B din centru.Va asteptam ! :D
Holnap 5-tol minimeet a B&B kavezoba.Szeretettel varunk mindenkit !:D
Update: forum fixed :D now you can register without problems (hope so )

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy new year !

Hi members and future members ! =^-^=

    I just want to wish all of you a very happy new year, hope you had fun and everyone survived the night between the years ... good bye 2011 , and HELOO 2012 ( hope you'll be better or someone will have to deal with my anger =^-^= ). So this year I have many plans for the club.Starting with a meeting this week maybe and a movie night or something, we need to use what's left of our holiday vacation. Wait a second .... why am I writing in English....nvm ( I'll translate it later) . Sooo hope we'll have more members this year and more activities ^-^.  I would like to get a little feedback from you guys on how could we make this work better and what do you think about me as a club leader, you can text me with it, or message me on yahoo or facebook. Please this would be important. I'm going to add a gallery for the photoes soon until then be sure to visit our facebook page and like us :

(picture by: Emese Gal , a.k.a Mese - dedicated club member and awesome photographer )