We finally reached another year of activity, our club is 4 years old now, and we even celebrated it with a nice little party, with cake, and music, and games, and all the usual. Unfortunately we don't have a group picture ...cuz we kinda forgot...again so i'll just leave this Santa Totoro here in it's place :)) .
Though the year is almost over we still have some activities left for our members to enjoy, since it's vacation we will have a couple of hangouts so stay in tune with that on our facebook group .
Our next main event is our new years party. Just like in the last 2 years we are going to spend new years ave, plus 2 more days in El Passo pension. If you want to participate please fill this form so we can make the planning accordingly, we expect a price around 130 ron, which includes- drinks, snacks, bread, and the pension costs. Food is bring your own and share rule, just like every other time we had new year together. You can bring a friend with you if you wish, but they have to give their part of the money also. Here's the form : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yxPOXKqaAobeFlrh8UkTpDWI35jNyqPCroTNB9-Y6f8/viewform

That been said, X-mas is around the corner, hope you are done with all the gifts, and you have been good this year so you get presents from Santa ;) ;;) . Don't forget to watch a few x-mas anime and show specials with some hot coco and cookies, or if x-mas movie is you thing then, why not that. For the Whovians, we have a new whomas special coming out on the 25th, soo excited for that!!!
I think that is all i had to say for now, hope to see you at the party, if not then all the best wishes and we meet again next year, i think we can squiz in a meeting on the second Sturday from Januarry, or third, i know it will be a busy period for most, so i will try to make it in the most pleasant timing possible.
Take care everyone and have a Happy x-mas and Awesome new Year !