Meeting #34 Review
Yo! Has anyone seen my staff? I'm sure i left it round' here somewhere.
At some point or another back in July! H-heh, eh heh heh heh...

Now, i think we can all agree that we're all mature adults here, and we can settle this amicably; talk it out like civil, responsible, sensible people right? After all, a wizard's work is no easy task, and requires a lot of time and effort.

It's in times like these that i like to quote good ol' Gandalf The Grey!

Think of the children...
I can't cover the medical expenses...
Shenenigans and Valentine's
"What are we supposed to be doing again?"
So our very first get together's theme revolved around the day of the year that is loved and adored by all... oh i'm sorry, i was thinking about Christmas. The very first meeting's theme was one that is despised by some, hated by most, and loved by few, which is ironic given the nature of the holiday. St. Valentine's Day, that lovely occasion of the year when people are reminded of how lonely they are, and contemplate committing Seppuku. The select few who are enjoying the company of a love interest will surely bicker over some trivial matter or another. If you're one of the minute amount of people who actually enjoyed Valentine's day... well...
Enjoy it while you can...
Moving onto the events that actually unfolded at the meeting.
It is advisable that you back the fuck off, nice and slowly, like right the fuck now.
My memory fails me, so here are the memories that i actually stashed away from the meeting. There was this weird creature there, supposedly called "a cupid", with wings and everything. She had an arrow with her. One arrow. One. You realize what this means? With being limited to a single arrow, imagine the amounts of gratuitous ass that said arrow gets. Hell, it's probably been' all over the place, pearcing backsides and breaking hearts. We tried to apprehend the fiend, but it crashed trough the ceiling and flew away, in a glorious spectacle of tremendous showmanship.
If you see this individual, please contact your local police force. We'd like to apprehend her as soon as possible, and convict her of multiple posterior abuse. Broken wings will be accounted for, and discounted from your reward.
Apart from the usual (which involves drinking, eating, idle banter, deafening shouting, more idle banter, playing the piano, and eating some more), we wrote little notes to our fellow brethren and sisters; we also enjoyed a game which involved choosing an anime pair of your liking, and attempting to guess the opposite team's pair via a series of questions (Gabi's creation). Naturally, everyone was so focused on winning that they picked pairings which were highly unlikely to be guessed by the rival team, and the game ended without a winner to speak of. This didn't take away from the pleasure of taking part in a game and having to work together to achieve a common goal, while reaping the benefits of being among friends and interacting with them in a creative fashion. I would have liked to win though. Phooey!
Pálma's miraculous flying boot made a return at meeting #34. No news on whether or not it'll be back for meeting #36.
All in all it was a pleasant meeting, and the very first one of the current year. I'm sure i've forgotten a lot of things, and confused some events regarding the last two meetings, so you'll just have to bear with that. The year changed, but the people didn't, which is a good thing. This, however, was just the beginning. Who knows what other oddities, surprises and unexpected turn of events might befall us in the coming year? There's certainly a lot to look forward to, as winter is nearing it's end, and the smooth, caressing touch of summer is just over the horizon. Expect the unexpected! Dwelve into the unknown! And don't believe the hype!
Amongst friends
And that pretty much sums it up. Stay tuned for more, i'll be seeing you shortly. My absence will not be as lengthy as it has been in the past. I'll be seeing you critters soon.
Real soon...