Hi all ! ^-^
Happy new year to those who i didn't met this year yet ! Sorry for not writing in the last let's say 2 weeks or 3 but i needed a break , i think we all needed. The new years party was super nice, hope next year we can go even more together to celebrate and spend a few days together in a chill way ^-^ .
Hope all of you had fun, and are ready for this post-apocalypse year :)) it's gonna be a busy one for the club with more meetings , more events and way more fun! :D
Thanks to the fact that exam period is getting closer for university students from the club , including me, we won't have big meets until this period ends, meaning most probably we will have the next meeting on the 16th of February. But do not panic, we will have mini-meets either in Le&Le-cave or going out somewhere, maybe for a nice movie? Everyone will need a few hour break during the session. So for the youngsters : Enjoy the last free week to the fullest ! For the university skippers...i mean students good luck at the exams , make us proud ! And for the "elders" .... keep up the good work ! XD .
Cya on the next mini-meet, or hang out , we have full time updates on the facebook group, if you don't have a facebook, ask a bro/sis to keep the infos up to date for you ^-^.I'll update here once a week . Gambatte neee minna!!!!! ^-^
- Group pic from the new years party, made a few minutes before we left the place, that's why everyone is a bit grumpy ^-^""" -
I'll leave you with nice song to listen too in this stressful time :
Keep Accelerating to a faster speed !
ty for the good time :D