Mornin everyone!
Yes yes i'm a lazy *insert other names here * because i'm just posting this, but i have been busy with my exams, and boy, they were exhausting. Besides you can't complain i already posted the last time that there will be a meeting tomorrow, June 28 from 3:30pm we will hold our meeting at the new location, which is a place most of you know very well Le&Le games . For those who don't know where it is i will write instructions below.
First i wanted to have the birthday meet for april-may-jun born members, but somehow i couldn't remember why i wanted it in july so badly...and then it hit me yesterday... because next week is the BAC exam for out 12th graders . Assuming they will not be able to participate, we will only hold the birthday meet after july 15 so they can have all their stuff done, grades known and the meeting will be like a breeze of fresh air for them.
So what will we do this meeting? We won't have a theme so the activities will be of all kinds you'll see, BUT just because we are going to Le&Le that doesn't mean you can play the games from there! The meeting will be but 3 hours from 3:30-6:30/7 and we will have out own activities after 7 you are free to play whatever you want.
Since this is our first meeting there i want you to know the conditions, we can use the place if we consume from their bar, so we won't be taking a fee and bu things in common you will have to get it for yourself from Le&Le. I think this is very fair and it actually helps with all the carrying i had to do in the past.
Anyways cya there ^-^ and don't forget to bring your extra energy pack and creativity with you!
as promised how to get to Le&Le- the game shop's /coffe shop's address is str. Artei nr.3 , here is their FB page you'll also find a google map that will help you.